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Steve is enthralled and in love with exploring and discovering new places and ideas
He has traveled to all “eight” continents and over 60 countries. He has worked and or lived in eight of them ranging from archeology in France, wine harvesting in Germany, picking oranges in Greece, movie extra in China, to house pianist in a restaurant in Israel. 
However, as Antarctica is the most remote, coldest, and most harsh continent on Earth, for him going there to conduct research is like going to another planet and exploring undiscovered country.


1980: U.S. & Canada by bus

1981: Mexico

1982-1983: 16 months in Europe & Middle East worked in the wine harvest  in Germany, 2nd century Galo/Roman archeology in France, orange harvest in Greece, dishwasher and pianist at a restaurant in Israel, flower bulb factory worker in the Netherlands

1985: Alaska, Japan, and China, movie extra in China

1988: Peru, Ecuador, & Galapagos

1989-1990: 8 months in Central America- starting in northern Mexico, traveling by bus into Belize, spent 4 months in Guatemala, and finished in Honduras and Nicaragua

1995: Ecuador

1998: France and Germany

1999: Mexico

Argentina: 14 visits between 1997 & 2014 — Highlights include: Buenos Aires, Patagonia (El Chalten, glaciers), Iguazu Falls (largest waterfalls in the western hemisphere), NW Argentina including Mountains of 7 colors, visiting Bolivia, Mendoza wine country & Aconcagua (tallest mountain in the western hemisphere)

2013: India, Sri Lanka, Thailand

2014: Croatia, Budapest, Bosnia, Montenegro

2015: Galapagos

2016: Turkey and Greece

2017: Nicaragua

2018: Central America

2018: Lessor Antilles

2019-2020: Israel, Jordan, Egypt

2020-2021: lived in Mexico for three months

2021-2022: five weeks in Yucatan (got certified for scuba diving)

2023: Poland and Lviv, Ukraine

2024: Kyiv, Ukraine (7 weeks)

Steve lived and or worked in France (archeology), Germany (wine picking), Greece (orange picking), Netherlands (flower bulb factory work), Ukraine (waiting for Martina), and Israel (dishwasher and house pianist in restaurant). 
He has given science talks in the U.K., France, Italy, Spain, Norway, Austria, Russia, and Israel.


2005: over sea ice multi-channel seismic survey, camp located on the sea-ice Southern McMurdo Sound

2007: Sedimentologist on drilling project (ANDRILL), worked at McMurdo Station

2008: Co-leader on over sea-ice multi-channel seismic survey, camp was located about 10 km offshore of New Harbor and Taylor Valley.

In 2010, he was part of an IODP expedition 318, that obtained sedimentary cores from off the coast of Wilkes Land, East Antarctica.


1994: Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 150X, Cape May, NJ

1996: Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 150X, Bass River, NJ

1999: Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 150X, Ocean View, NJ

2000: Ocean Drilling Program expedition 189 Tasman Sea

2001: Offshore NY Bight, Seismic and Coring expedition

2002: Stewart Island, New Zealand

2002: Stratigraphy in Chile

2003: Hudson River Estuary coring expedition (co-team leader)

2005: Science Antarctic Seismic Expedition, on ice scientist

2007: Science Antarctic Drilling Expedition, on ice stratigrapher

2008: Science Antarctic Seismic Expedition (co leader)

2010: Integrated Ocean Drilling Program Expedition 318, Wilkes Land, East Antarctica, micropaleontologist

2017: International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 371, Exploring Zealandia, sedimentologist

2022: International Ocean Discovery Program Expedition 393, Mid Atlantic Transect, sedimentologist