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Public Speaking

Sharing what climate scientists know
Dr. Pekar is strongly dedicated to promoting science education and illustrating the beauty and excitement of science both for his students and general public. In this regard, he is committed to promoting science specifically focusing on climate change and how his research in past climate change can help us understand present changes and better predict future climate changes. He currently engages the public about the threat of climate change through talks (e.g., distinguished Lecturer), TV appearances (e.g., panelist on two of Al Gore’s 24-hour live streaming specials) to writing a book about climate change and who is responsible (i.e., the billionaire class).

Getting the word out about climate change (selected TV and media events, and talks)

2022 Exploring the deep time in the deep South Atlantic IODP Expedition 393: South Atlantic Transect

2021 Big Ideas at Queens College What on Earth: Past Climate Changes Provide Insight into the Future

2017 IODP Expedition 371: Exploring the newly named continent called Zealandia

Live streaming talks to classrooms around the world Watch live stream session to Malverne High school, Long Island, 9/26/2017

2011 WOMAD Festival Adelaide, Australia founded by Peter Gabriel

October 21-23, 2011 Gave two talks, part of climate panel, interviewed on TV and Radio

Al Gore’s 24 Hours of Reality

For the 2011 event, I was invited to be on three one-hour long panel discussions
For the 2012 event, I was invited to be on two one-hour long panel discussions